Why learn English?
Well, English is the most spoken language in the world.
Isn’t this enough to motivate you to learn it? Maybe not.
So here are 16 more reasons why you should start learning English today.
1. Make International Social Connections

I think you would agree with me that if you only speak your native language, you can only communicate with people who speak your language.
But the world is full of people who don’t speak your first language, and the majority of these people use English to understand each other.
How are you going to create social connections, make friends, or do business with these people if you can’t communicate with them? How can you explore other cultures without a good command of English?
So that’s the first reason: improve your English because it’s a useful tool that will help you broaden your social and cultural horizons.
2. Access Information Online

English is not only the most spoken language in the world but it’s also by far the most used language on the internet.
Most world news websites, travel blogs, educational resources, online courses, tutorials and video streaming platforms are in English. So you won't be able to access this wealth of knowledge if you can’t read and understand this language.
English gives you the ability to explore and use online resources effectively.
It makes you more knowledgeable.
3. Understand Academic And Scientific Research

English is the language of science.
Doctors, researchers, professors, graduates, scholars and academics around the world publish their research findings in online magazines and scientific journals.
This, for example, is one of those.
So if you’re a university student, a scientist, a curious person interested in academic topics, or if you’re dreaming of publishing a research paper for the international scientific community, guess what language you would have to learn?
Learning English will help you immerse yourself in a world of discoveries and profound insights.
Did you say you love science? Then there’s no reason not to love English too!
4. Enjoy Hollywood Movies To The Fullest

In many countries, Hollywood movies are dubbed into the language of the country where the film is broadcast.
In Italy, for example, people don’t get to watch an American movie in English at the cinema or on national TV channels. Movies are in Italian as the voices of all the American actors in the film are replaced by the voices of Italian actors.
If you live in one of these countries and have always watched Hollywood movies in your first language, you may think there’s nothing wrong with dubbing.
It’s normal for you to hear Leonardo DiCaprio speak your native language.
But once you start watching and understanding Hollywood movies in English, I can assure you that you’ll never want to watch a dubbed movie ever again.
You’ll notice how the real actors’ and actresses’ acting skills, tone, intonation, emphasis and nuances get lost when the movie is dubbed.
You hear the real voices and emotions of the characters and feel like you’re watching a completely different movie – not least because the lip movements are synchronised with the sounds coming out of people’s mouths!
No more Leonardo DiCaprio speaking French. No more Jennifer Aniston sounding Portuguese or Italian or Japanese.
Learn English and you’ll have a much more authentic, enjoyable and pleasant experience every time you sit in front of the screen.
5. Access Better Career Opportunities

Some years ago I had a student, Pablo (not his real name), who was feeling very frustrated.
Pablo worked for a prestigious insurance company in Spain that was undergoing some big changes. Departments were resized, employees' roles redefined and, sadly, some people were laid off.
Pablo was at risk of losing his job too. They told him he could stay only if he was willing to take on a position with more responsibilities.
The new role required the ability to speak and understand English as he would need to attend meetings with people from other countries and travel abroad too.
Pablo’s English, however, was non-existent. And that’s why he was frustrated. He barely knew the English names of the colours and days of the week.
Fortunately, though, his boss gave him two years to improve his language skills.
Don’t wait for your company to shake things up before getting down to learning English. Do it now. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to find yourself in a position similar to Pablo’s.
Today almost all corporate jobs require some good level of spoken and written English. Basic isn’t enough anymore, so there’s no reason not to learn this language if you’re looking to advance your career and open up a world of professional opportunities.
(In case you’re wondering, Pablo kept his job and is now one of the heads of a Spanish insurance company.)
6. Travel With Ease

When you’re in a foreign country where nobody speaks your language, English is what you’re highly likely to need if you want to:
- Order food
- Buy tickets
- Ask for tourist information
- Check in at a hotel
- Use public transportation
- Seek medical assistance
- Ask for directions
- Engage in basic conversations with the locals
- Shop for essentials
- Solve emergencies or seek help
- Communicate with local authorities
- Participate in tours or excursions
- Interact with fellow travellers
- Rent a vehicle
- Understand safety instructions
- Interact with customer service
- Attend events or shows
- Deal with paperwork or documentation
…and many other tasks.
English makes you a more efficient traveller.
You may say, “I don’t need to learn English. I can use online translators!”
Sure, but the pride you get from getting things done in another language without the help of a translator is truly priceless.
I want you to experience that!
7. Speak To Foreigners In Your Country

I’m sure people from abroad come to your country for tourism.
And I’m sure you can recognise tourists wandering the streets of your cities from miles away.
If you need to help them with street directions or you simply want to chat with them, chances are that you’ll need to communicate with them in English. They’ll appreciate this.
English makes you a more welcoming local!
8. Gaming

I love video games. My favourites are Age of Empires II Definitive Edition and FIFA.
Sometimes I play online with people from around the world and English, again, is the language I use to communicate with my team so we can win the game.
English is a must for you if you’re an aspiring gamer.
In fact, I’ve met several people who were able to improve their English just by playing video games!
Isn’t this great news for you? It means you can easily combine your passion for video games with learning the language!
9. Talk To Your English Speaking Idols

Imagine meeting one of your idols. It may be a singer, a writer, an athlete, a movie star or anyone famous you really admire.
It’s not impossible. You might see them sign autographs at an event, or come out of a venue after a concert if they’re music stars.
What would you ask them? What would you say to them? What chat would you like to have?
If you don’t speak each other’s languages, whatever you wish to communicate to them must be in English.
You definitely don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you have your favourite people in the world in front of you but you can’t say anything to them because you don’t speak the language of the world!
Isn’t this another good reason to learn this language?
10. Enjoy Music And Books

Queen, Imagine Dragons, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, Earth Wind and Fire, Katty Perry, Jay-Z, Bon Jovy, Bruno Mars, The Beatles, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, James Brown, Ed Sheeran – the list of artists who sing in English is endless.
Being able to understand English means being able to understand what these people say in their songs.
The same is true for books in English. You can read the translated version of a book, of course, but unfortunately not everything is translatable. Some nuances and shades of meaning get lost when they get translated into another language.
So if you can read in English, you’ll get to appreciate English literature more and have a more fulfilling experience every time you open a book.
Wouldn’t you want that?
11. Study Abroad

Maybe your dream is to study abroad at a prestigious university.
You can certainly do that as many of the world's top-ranking universities and educational institutions offer programs for international students.
These programs, however, are often in English and require proof of English language proficiency through exams like TOEFL or IELTS.
So if you can read, speak, understand and write in English, it’ll be easier for you to realise your dream of studying in prestigious institutions that offer high-quality education and research opportunities.
12. Work In Finance

English is not only the official language of technology and science but it’s also the predominant language of the global financial industry.
The most comprehensive financial literature, research reports, and market analyses are indeed in English.
So if you work in finance, you’re an investor or simply want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, regulations, and insights in the financial world, being proficient in English is essential.
13. Gain Cultural Understanding
English is a global language. True. But it’s also the official language of dozens of countries.
This means that if you wish to connect with this multitude of cultures at a deeper level, you need to speak their language.
That’s how you’ll get to really understand how people think and what shapes their perspectives. That’s how you’ll unlock not only words but aspects of their traditions, histories, and values.
You’ll get to appreciate the intricacies that make each of these cultures unique.
14. Improve Your Love Life
Years ago, Kaplan International asked 1,213 English as a foreign language speakers why they had decided to learn English.
These are the results:

I don’t need to add anything to this.
This infographic says it all!
15. Develop Your Brain Power

Did you know that learning a new language is healthy for the brain?
There is indeed evidence that bilingual people have better short-term memory, problem-solving skills, and attention management compared to people who only speak one language.
Want more brain power? Learning English could be just what you need. It’s good training for the mind and it keeps you mentally fit.
16. Enjoy A Fun Hobby

Who says you need to learn English to achieve some other goal like, for example, getting a job promotion?
You can decide to learn English as a hobby. Many people do that. They might play tennis on Monday evenings, go to a photography course on Wednesday afternoons and then take English classes on Fridays.
You can see English classes, which are often fun, as a social activity you do for pleasure. You’ll get to know new people, talk about topics of general interest and even play language games.
Learning English is a great hobby to have!
Why Learn English?
As you can see, learning English helps you grow as a person, connect with people and improve yourself and your life in so many ways.
And the beautiful thing about it is that you don’t need to move to an English-speaking country to learn it. There’s so much English around you already! All you need, really, is an internet connection.
So I hope this list has inspired you to start or continue learning the language of the world.
And to help you in your English learning journey, make sure you follow the rules of StoryLearning and read short stories in English.
You'll have even more fun discovering this language through the power of story!

Olly Richards
Creator of the StoryLearning® Method
Olly Richards is a renowned polyglot and language learning expert with over 15 years of experience teaching millions through his innovative StoryLearning® method. He is the creator of StoryLearning, one of the world's largest language learning blogs with 500,000+ monthly readers.
Olly has authored 30+ language learning books and courses, including the bestselling "Short Stories" series published by Teach Yourself.
When not developing new teaching methods, Richards practices what he preaches—he speaks 8 languages fluently and continues learning new ones through his own methodology.