15 Spanish Slang Words To Help You Sound Like A Native, Not A Textbook
by Olly Richards
As you learn Spanish, have you ever worried that you sound a little too much like a textbook and that you could do with some Spanish slang words in your vocabulary?
It's not easy transitioning from the syntax of a textbook to the rhythm of authentic conversation.
One way you can sound more like a native speaker and less like you’re reading from a guidebook is to master the local idioms and slang.
In this post, I’m focusing on single slang terms instead of full phrases to help you jump right in and sound more like a native speaker right away.
Not only will using slang help you sound more natural in your conversations, it will also help you understand native speakers better.
By the end of this post, you'll be ready to transition from textbook language to natural conversation with 15 Spanish slang words that you just can't live without.
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Why Learn And Use Slang Words And Expressions?
Almost no one speaks their native language properly all the time. Think about it…
Do you speak English (or another native language) the way someone would learn it in school?
You probably don’t, especially when you are out with friends.
It's always a good idea to brush up on slang and common expressions when you're planning to travel to a new place, no matter the language.
Because slang varies by location (and changes with time!), it can be hard to master without getting out and speaking with native speakers. That doesn’t mean you can’t start by familiarising yourself with the basics…and that’s where this post comes in.
Some of these Spanish slang words are specific to Spain, while some have different meanings outside of Spain (but are still used worldwide).
Others have started to travel around the Spanish-speaking world but are so common in Spain that they deserve a place on any list of slang in Spain.
While this is by no means an exhaustive list, the following 15 Spanish slang words are some of the most commonly used slang in Spain.
Once you master these 15, you’ll be ready to move on to regional or more obscure expressions…or on to other countries in the Spanish-speaking world, like Colombia or Mexico.
But first, take a minute to learn the following 15 common slang words from Spain. If you're more of a video person, you'll find these and other Spanish slang words in the video below. Otherwise, keep reading to discover them.
15 Slang Words From Spain And How To Use Them
1. Vale
One of the most common colloquial expressions used in Spain, vale simply means “de acuerdo” or “okay”. It’s so commonly used, in fact, that you will also hear it in place of pues or another filler word.
Después de las clases, vamos al cine. (After class, we're going to the movies.)
Vale. Compraré las palomitas. (Okay. I'll buy the popcorn.)
2. Guay
Guay is another way to say that something is cool or very good. It’s often used with tan, bien, or other similar adverbs.
Juan Carlos tiene una motocicleta tan guay. (Juan Carlos has a really cool motorcycle.)
Having trouble figuring out how to say this one? You’re not alone. Much of the confusion comes from the fact that Mexico has a similar slang word that sounds like “way” in English but is spelled differently— güey. Guay sounds more like “why”.
3. Anda Ya
Anda ya doesn't have an exact English translation because it is more of a reaction than a phrase with a specific meaning. The best way to think of it is as a way to express disbelief or surprise, usually at a story a friend is telling.
¿Te has enterado? Mat y Ana se fugaron para casarse este fin de semana. (Did you hear? Mat and Ana eloped this weekend.)
¡Anda ya! (No way!)
4. Mono/a
In the rest of the Spanish-speaking world, mono means “monkey”. In Spain, it can also be an adjective describing something very cute or adorable.
Mira la niña en su vestido y gorro. ¡Qué mona! (Look at the baby in her dress and bonnet. How cute!)
5. Puente
Technically, puente means “bridge”. Colloquially, it also refers to a single day of work between two vacations. For example, if Thursday is a holiday and Saturday and Sunday are normal days off, Friday would be the puente.
Many Spaniards opt to take the bridge day off. And some business simply close for the day altogether. In practice, hacer puente means to take the bridge day off work, while puente can often refer to both the single day of work between holidays and the entire long weekend.
El jueves es festivo, así que voy a hacer puente. (Thursday is a holiday, so I am going to make it a long weekend.)
6. Chaval/a
Chaval/a is a slang term for a kid or young person.
Por la tarde siempre hay un grupo de chavalas jugando al parque. (In the evening, there is always a group of girls playing at the park.)
7. Tapear
Tapas are the quintessential Spanish snack. These small, savory dishes are served in bars and restaurants all over Spain. They are such a big part of the country's culinary history that there is even a verb for going out for tapas: tapear.
¿Queréis tapear con nosotros después del trabajo? (Do you all want to go out for tapas with us after work?)
8. Tío/Tía
Like many of the words on this list, tío and tía have both literal meanings and colloquial meanings in Spain. Your uncle and aunt are your tío y tía in any Spanish-speaking country.
In Spain, the words are also slang for male and female friends or acquaintances. In most situations where you might say “dude”, “mate”, “chick”, or “bloke” in English, you can use tío/tía in Spanish.
¡Cuidado, tío! Viene un auto. (Watch out, man! There's a car coming.)
9. Ligar
In addition to “to tie”, the slang meaning of ligar is “to flirt”, with a few distinct connotations depending on who you're speaking with.
Anoche, ligué un montón. Bailé con por lo menos diez tipos. (Last night, I flirted a ton. I danced with at least ten guys.)
10. Pasta
Just like “dough” and “bringing home the bacon” in American English, pasta is both a food and a slang term for money. You're most likely to hear someone use pasta when referring to cash or a large sum of money.
Has visto el coche y la ropa de Elena. Su familia tiene mucha pasta. (You’ve seen Elena’s car and clothes. Her family has a ton of money.)
11. Flipar
This Spanish slang word almost certainly comes from the expression “to flip out” in English. The meaning in Spanish is similar, as is the very casual nature of the phrase. Depending on the context, flipar can either mean to be shocked, to really like something, or to be high.
Después de esperar tres años por la continuación, me flipé por el libro nuevo. (After waiting three years for the sequel, I was mad about the new book.)
12. Guiri
Guiri is another word for a foreigner or a tourist. The word has a negative connotation and almost always refers to Northern European or American tourists.
No puedo ir a ninguna parte en el verano porque la ciudad está tan llena de guiris. (I can’t go anywhere in the summer because the city is so full of tourists.)
13. Colega
Colega is a cognate with the English word “colleague”, but in Spain, it can also mean a friend or a pal. Take care with this one! The word is colega whether you are referring to a male or female friend; the only thing that changes is the article (el/la).
¡Tenemos los colegas mejores de todo el mundo! (We have the best friends in the whole world!)
14. Chulo
If something is chulo in the rest of the Spanish-speaking world, it is cool or great. In Spain, the word can also be used to describe an arrogant person or manner.
El jefe del departamento siempre me habla de manera tan chula. (The department head always talks to me in such a conceited way.)
15. Currar
Currar is another way to say “to work” in Spain, especially when used with tengo que. In some contexts, it can also mean “to thump” or “to whack”.
Hector no puede ir conmigo al concierto. Tiene que currar durante toda la noche. (Hector can’t come to the concert with me. He has to work all night)
Impress Native Spanish Speakers With Spanish Slang Words
And there you have it!
There are many more idioms, slang terms, and colloquial expressions you will pick up as you travel and make friends from across the Spanish-speaking world.
But these 15 Spanish slang words will give you a great head start.
Are you ready to put them to the test?
Next time you speak to a colega española, either in person or in an online Spanish class, try out some of your newly learned slang and show them how bien guay your conversation skills are becoming!
Olly Richards
Creator of the StoryLearning® Method
Olly Richards is a renowned polyglot and language learning expert with over 15 years of experience teaching millions through his innovative StoryLearning® method. He is the creator of StoryLearning, one of the world's largest language learning blogs with 500,000+ monthly readers.
Olly has authored 30+ language learning books and courses, including the bestselling "Short Stories" series published by Teach Yourself.
When not developing new teaching methods, Richards practices what he preaches—he speaks 8 languages fluently and continues learning new ones through his own methodology.
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