Spanish Pronunciation Guide: An 11-Part Guide To Sound Like A Local!
by Olly Richards
Did you know that pronunciation doesn’t have to be the most challenging part of learning Spanish!?
In fact, linguists consider Spanish to be a phonetic language—a language in which letters are consistently pronounced in the same way.
In other words: as long as you know the sounds of the alphabet, you’ll be able to pronounce the words correctly and sound natural in Spanish.
So let's take a look at that in this Spanish pronunciation guide.
You'll learn, the basics, like how to pronounce vowels, as well as more complex aspects of Spanish, like how to position your tongue to pronounce the “R” in Spanish.
Are you ready? Let's get into this Spanish pronunciation guide.
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By the way, if you want to master Spanish pronunciation (and more!) and have fun while doing it, my top recommendation is Spanish Uncovered which teaches you through StoryLearning®.
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The first step in this Spanish pronunciation guide is to know what the vowels are and understand how they are pronounced.
Just like in English, in Spanish there are five vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.
casa (house)
tener (to have)
insistir (to insist)
oso (bear)
Spanish pronunciation guide: Spanish vowels
Unlike what happens in English (where there are 20 different sounds for the same five vowels), in Spanish the vowels always sound the same
Next, here's a chart where you can see how they are pronounced. The diagram represents where the tongue should be placed in relation to the opening of the mouth.
2. The Spanish Alphabet: Pronounce Every Letter Right
Now, let’s take things up a notch. Below is the Spanish alphabet, which includes every Spanish consonant.
The Spanish alphabet has 27 letters: one more than the English one. Can you guess what the extra letter is?
Exactly! It’s the “Ñ”, which is used in words like España (Spain) or mañana (tomorrow).
Don’t worry about how to pronounce the “Ñ” now. You'll see it in more detail in a bit.
Name of the letter
mañana (tomorrow)
be, be larga or be grande
bota (boot)
casa (house)
domingo (Sunday)
elefante (elephant)
foto (photo)
gato (cat), gente (people)
hola (hello), lancha (boat)
isla (island)
pájaro (bird)
lata (can)
mono (monkey)
nave (ship)
España (Spain)
oso (bear)
pato (duck)
queso (cheese)
perro (dog), pero (but)
sol (sun)
tomar (to drink)
ve, uve, ve chica or ve corta
vaso (glass)
doble ve, doble uve, doble u or uve doble
examen (exam)
ye or i griega
yo (I)
taza (cup)
Spanish alphabet
Spanish Consonant Pronunciation
Congrats! Now, you know what the vowels and consonants are in Spanish.
The next step in this Spanish pronunciation guide is learning how to pronounce the most complex phonemes a.k.a sounds, such as “Ñ”, “G”, “J”, and “R”, among others.
3. How To Pronounce The H In Spanish
Good news: “H” isn’t pronounced in Spanish.
It’s always, or almost always, a silent letter. This means that a word like hola (hello) is pronounced simply oh-lah, and a word like ahora (now) is pronounced ah-oh-rah.
But why did we say that it is almost always a silent letter? This is because there are some occasions when the “H” is pronounced. This happens when it’s preceded by a “C”.
In those cases, the sound “CH” is formed; a sound similar to the sound “CH” in English: chico (boy), pecho (chest), leche (milk).
4. How To Differentiate C, Z, And S In Spanish
There are three similar sounds here: “C”, “Z”, and “S”. The pronunciation of these three varies depending on the country:
In Spain, “Z” and “C” (when accompanied by an “E” or an “I”) are pronounced like the th (thing) in English. For example pez (fish), and celeste (light blue). Instead, “S” is pronounced like the English “S”, although a little stronger.
In Latin America, “S”, “Z”, and “C” (this when accompanied by an “E” or an “I”) have virtually no variation: pez sounds like pes and celeste sounds like seleste. This phenomenon is known as seseo.
5. How To Pronounce LL And Y In Spanish
Next up in this Spanish pronunciation guide is “LL”. Most Spanish-speaking countries have a common phenomenon: yeísmo.
Yeísmo consists of the identical pronunciation of the letter ye (as in yo, “I”, or raya, “line”), and the digraph “LL”. So, lluvia (rain) sounds like yoo-vee-ah or juh-vee-ah.
However, the pronunciation of “Y” and “LL” is not the same in every country. In Spain and Central America, it sounds like the “Y” in the English word “yes”.
In other countries, it has a sound similar to the English letter “J” in “jam”.
And in Argentina and Uruguay, there's a completely different phenomenon, and they practically pronounce it as “SH”: lluvia (rain) is shoo-vee-ah, and llave (key) is shah-veh.
6. How To Differentiate Spanish V And B
In English, the “V” and “B” sounds are pronounced in different ways. In Spanish, this doesn’t happen; at least not in everyday speech.
So, the “B” and the “V” in words like vaca (cow), lobo (wolf), or ¡Vamos! (Come on!) are pronounced the same: like a “B”.
While in Spanish the “J” sounds very intense (like if you were scratching your throat), in Latin American countries this sound tends to be much softer.
In Caribbean countries, such as Venezuela, Colombia, or Cuba, the “J” sounds more like an “H” in English. So, mejor (better) sounds like meh-hor.
8. When To Use the Strong G In Spanish
There are two possible sounds to pronounce “G” in Spanish. When accompanied by a vowel “E” or “I”, it sounds similar to “J”: gente (people), página (page).
In other cases, the sound is softer, like the English “G” in “girl”: agua (water), mago (wizard).
9. How To Pronounce The Spanish “Ñ”
“Ñ” is one of the most interesting phonemes of the Spanish language.
This letter has become a frequent symbol to represent its identity; in fact, organizations such as the Cervantes Institute have adopted this letter in their logo.
The “Ñ” sounds something like /ny/: España (Spain)sounds like Es-pah-nya, and baño (bathroom) sounds like bah-nyo.
10. Spanish Accentuation
In Spanish, all words have a stressed syllable. The stressed syllable is pronounced with more force than the others.
The words, according to their accentuation, are divided into:
Agudas. The stressed syllable is the last one, like in camión (truck) or señor (sir).
Graves. The stressed syllable is the penultimate: bicicleta (bicycle) or perro (dog).
Esdrújulas. The stressed syllable is the antepenultimate: médico (doctor) or océano (ocean).
In addition, sometimes you’ll need to add a tilde; small marks above the vowels.
Words that are agudas have the tilde when they end with an “N”, an “S” or a vowel; words that are graves have it when they don’t end with an “N”, an “S” or a vowel; and words that are esdrújulas has always the tilde.
Learn more about Spanish accent marks in the video below.
11. How To Roll Your Rs
You've made it to the final section of this Spanish pronunciation guide. Pronouncing the “R” in Spanish is quite a challenge right?
If you want to know how to correctly position your tongue to pronounce “R” and “RR”, above you'll find a video that will clarify it for you!
However, it’s just a matter of practice. You only need to know that there are two possible ways to pronounce it: a soft one and a strong one.
The soft R is similar to the “tt” in “gotta”. It is used when the “R” is between two vowels, like in para (for); at the end of a syllable, like in verde (green), and after a consonant, like in tren (train).
The strong R is more vibrant, and you will need it when the “R” is at the beginning of a word, like in ratón (mouse); when there is a double R, like in perro (dog); and when the “R” is located at the beginning of a syllable after an “N”, an “L” or an “S”: alrededor (around).
A Bonus: The Spanish X
Here's a bonus lesson for you on how to pronounce the Spanish “X”. There are three ways to pronounce this letter depending on whether “X” is at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end.
Find out how to pronounce this sound right by pressing play on the video below.
Spanish Pronunciation Guide: Final Thoughts
You've reached the end of this Spanish pronunciation guide! Well done!
Keep in mind that these are just some essential Spanish pronunciation points. Spanish dialects vary a lot throughout the different Spanish-speaking countries. The Spanish spoken in Spain is quite different to the one spoken in Chile, for example.
I hope this Spanish pronunciation guide has been useful to you. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t make all the sounds at the beginning. If you practice and train your ear, you will soon master every phoneme!
Olly Richards is a renowned polyglot and language learning expert with over 15 years of experience teaching millions through his innovative StoryLearning® method. He is the creator of StoryLearning, one of the world's largest language learning blogs with 500,000+ monthly readers.
Olly has authored 30+ language learning books and courses, including the bestselling "Short Stories" series published by Teach Yourself.
When not developing new teaching methods, Richards practices what he preaches—he speaks 8 languages fluently and continues learning new ones through his own methodology.
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